
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

This Summer on Inside The Rock Era

It's an exciting time to be on this website.  In addition to all of the regular features on Inside The Rock Era (Unknown/Underrated Songs*, Top Tracks*, Best Five*, Discographies*, Hits Lists* and the Calendar*), we have some great summer specials lined up.

You've probably noticed the Classic Summer Songs* feature that is underway.  We will periodically present the great Summer Songs of the Rock Era* that will, I'm sure, bring back a lot of memories.

But that's only the beginning.  In July, we will kick off our spectacular Top 200 Songs of the 60's*, spectacular because of the great music of the decade.  Don't miss that!  That will be followed in succession by The Top 100 R&B Songs of the 80's* and The Top 100 Adult Contemporary Songs of the 70's*.  Then to wrap up the year, we will feature one artist per day as we salute The Top 100 Artists of the Seventies*.

Lots to look forward to, so be sure to check us out each day, and enjoy your summer!

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