
Friday, November 3, 2023

Highlighting The Top 10 Artists of the Rock Era 1955-2021

We hope you enjoyed The Top 100 Artists* special!  The best way to listen to it is to listen to each song by each artist, one immediately after the other, the way it was first presented on radio.  Everyone's tastes are different, but it is readily apparent from listening to the great array of songs that each of these artists have had amazing careers.  

Today we highlight The Top 10 Artists of the Rock Era*.  There are 70 segments needed to showcase all of the great music that just these 10 artists produced to make our lives better.  What would any of us be without them?

Here is our handy checklist to make it easy to catch up on superstars you may have missed:

#10.  Eagles, Part One

         Eagles, Part Two

         Eagles, Part Three

         Eagles, Part Four

#9.  Stevie Wonder, Part One

         Stevie Wonder, Part Two

         Stevie Wonder, Part Three

         Stevie Wonder, Part Four

         Stevie Wonder, Part Five

         Stevie Wonder, Part Six

#8.  Billy Joel, Part One

          Billy Joel, Part Two

          Billy Joel, Part Three            

          Billy Joel, Part Four

          Billy Joel, Part Five

          Billy Joel, Part Six

#7.  Madonna, Part One

          Madonna, Part Two

          Madonna, Part Three

          Madonna, Part Four

          Madonna, Part Five

          Madonna, Part Six

#6.  Bee Gees, Part One                     

          Bee Gees, Part Two

          Bee Gees, Part Three

          Bee Gees, Part Four

          Bee Gees, Part Five

          Bee Gees, Part Six

#5.  Michael Jackson, Part One

          Michael Jackson, Part Two

          Michael Jackson, Part Three

          Michael Jackson, Part Four

          Michael Jackson, Part Five

          Michael Jackson, Part Six

          Michael Jackson, Part Seven

          Michael Jackson, Part Eight

#4.  Rolling Stones, Part One

          Rolling Stones, Part Two

          Rolling Stones, Part Three

          Rolling Stones, Part Four

          Rolling Stones, Part Five

          Rolling Stones, Part Six

          Rolling Stones, Part Seven

          Rolling Stones, Part Eight

          Rolling Stones, Part Nine

#3.  Elton John, Part One

          Elton John, Part Two

          Elton John, Part Three

          Elton John, Part Four

          Elton John, Part Five

          Elton John, Part Six

          Elton John Part Seven

          Elton John, Part Eight

          Elton John, Part Nine

          Elton John, Part Ten

          Elton John, Part Eleven

#2.  Elvis Presley, Part One

          Elvis Presley, Part Two

          Elvis Presley, Part Three

          Elvis Presley, Part Four

          Elvis Presley, Part Five

          Elvis Presley, Part Six

          Elvis Presley, Part Seven

          Elvis Presley, Part Eight

          Elvis Presley, Part Nine

          Elvis Presley, Part Ten

          Elvis Presley, Part Eleven

#1.  Beatles, Part One

          Beatles, Part Two

          Beatles, Part Three

          Beatles, Part Four

          Beatles, Part Five

          Beatles, Part Six

          Beatles, Part Seven

          Beatles, Part Eight

          Beatles, Part Nine

          Beatles, Part Ten

          Beatles, Part Eleven

          Beatles, Part Twelve

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