
Friday, June 1, 2012

Five Best: Joni Mitchell

Well, when you've put out a lifetime of songs that are some of the best in history, "Five Best*", which for some artists indeed represents their best, is a joke for Joni Mitchell.  With Joni, she has "Five Best" on an album.  So of course, she's another artist in which I won't dare stop at five or even 10. I'm featuring 30 great Joni Mitchell songs and that doesn't even scratch the surface of this deep musical treasure chest.   In fact, I won't even attempt to rank them, because I believe it's almost impossible to do for a star of this magnitude.  

You see, Joni's songs touch your soul in different ways, and you're going to have your favorites based on your life experiences.  She doesn't allow herself to be trapped by verse-chorus slavery.  I like featuring more than five in this feature when I believe the artist has said much more than the public has heard.  It sounds wierd to say Joni Mitchell is somewhat "undiscovered", for she is loved and adored by millions, but I do believe that is true for her body of work and for the billions of people who have not heard her music.  Heck, I love her songs and have my favorites, but when putting this together, discovered more gems than I was familiar with.  

She's an artist for the ages--enjoy!

"Help Me"

"A Case of You"

"The Arrangement"

"Court and Spark"

"Free Man In Paris"

"Refuge of the Roads"



"Last Time I Saw Richard"

"Chinese Cafe"

"Raised On Robbery"

"The Circle Game"


"Chelsea Morning"

"You Turn Me On, I'm a Radio"





"Both Sides Now"

"For Free"

"Big Yellow Taxi"

"Rainy Night House"

"Don Juan's Reckless Daughter"


"All I Want"

"My Old Man"

"Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire"

"Trouble Child"


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