
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Be Sure To Spend Some Time Looking Around

Whether you landed on Inside The Rock Era to look at the daily Calendar* or Googled your way to us to find a news item, explore the site!  There are numerous items of interest to any music fan.  Inside The Rock Era has accumulated scores of Charts and Lists*, and there are dozens of songs in both the Unknown/Underrated* and Top Tracks* categories.  We also have complete Hits Lists* and Discographies of many of the major artists, and we will be adding many more in the days to come.  We also have a popular feature called Five Best Songs* for many major artists.  You can find Tabs for each of these at the top of the website.

The Cranberries asked the musical question, "Do you have to let it Linger?"  Yes you do want to Linger on Inside The Rock Era!

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