
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Calendar* Correction: Sonny & Cher

There is much misinformation regarding the split of Sonny & Cher as a couple.  Numerous websites report that on February 20, 1974 Cher filed for separation, then filed for divorce "shortly afterwards", some say February 27.  Some websites report that it was Sonny that filed for separation on February 20, and Cher filed for divorce February 27.

The truth is this:  On February 19, according to The Associated Press, and nearly every newspaper in the United States which ran the story, Sonny filed for "irreconcilable differences", according to an Associated Press article.  Cher then turned around the next day and filed for divorce seeking dissolution of the marriage, at the Santa Monica, California County Courthouse, according to the books You Haven't Seen The Last of Me by Daryl Easlea and Cher:  If You Believe by Mark Bego.  

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