
Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Prelude to The Top 500 Songs of the Rock Era*!

To tease you, but mostly to celebrate two important anniversaries (!), Inside The Rock Era will begin featuring some of the great songs outside The Top 500 Songs of the Rock Era* tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be the fourth anniversary of Inside The Rock Era, which started on March 16, 2011.  We wanted to get the prelude started soon anyway, because the movie Blackboard Jungle, which featured "Rock Around The Clock", premiered in New York City on March 19, 1955.  The popularity of the song by Bill Haley & the Comets in that movie spurred a re-release of the single in May.  It had been released in May of 1954, but didn't make it.  Of course, the second time around, the song did make it, going all the way to #1--the first rock & roll song to hit #1.  And the rest is history.  Rock and roll history.

The brand new updated version of The Top 500 Songs of the Rock Era* is set to begin on April 1 exclusively on Inside The Rock Era.  You won't be able to find it, or anything remotely like it, anywhere else.  Feel free to search radio stations, television stations, and the Internet, then come back here for the one of a kind music special that fans of all ages, nationalities, races, religions and creeds can enjoy.  Nowhere can you find all these classics back-to-back, one right after the other.  When one hears them this way, one can truly appreciate how great they are.  It truly is a treat of a lifetime.

Inside The Rock Era will feature ten songs per day of The Top 500*.  It is timed so that the final day of the special (July 9) is the 60th birthday of the Rock Era, the date when "Rock Around The Clock" advanced to #1 on the popular music chart. 

We have worked on this special nearly as long, producing the first version way back in 1975.  It first aired on a radio station in 1979, and has been updated and produced several times since then, most notably in the form of a database in 1999 on the occasion of the 2000's.  

What makes the special so increasingly appealing is that its diversity mirrors the diversity of rock & roll.  Some people like headbanger music, some like soft songs, some like country and western, some like rap--The Top 500 Songs* includes all styles, as long as the song is popular enough.  So if you like Elvis Presley or the Everly Brothers, the Beatles, the Supremes, or the Rolling Stones, CCR, Elton John, the Eagles, the Bee Gees, or Fleetwood Mac, Air Supply, Kenny Rogers, or Madonna, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey or Celine Dion, Usher, Alicia Key, or BeyoncĂ©, Rihanna, Maroon 5, or Bruno Mars, you will have the great opportunity to compare and contrast your favorite songs with those from another era.

So while we put the finishing touches on The Top 500 Songs of the Rock Era*, enjoy the songs not included in the special.  Not only can you enjoy great music while we wait for April 1, but we can see and appreciate how great The Top 500 Songs* are to top the songs we'll be hearing.  And don't be bothered if "one of your all-time favorite songs (!)" is heard in the Prelude*, and you're left wondering how it could possibly on God's green earth be left out of The Top 500*.  No one will agree with all the songs in the special--just enjoy the songs themselves and appreciate that they are the absolute cream of the crop for the last 60 years.  There are reasons, and those will all be explained when we kick off The Top 500*

So join us tomorrow, March 16, for our fourth birthday celebration and the Prelude to The Top 500 Songs of the Rock Era*!

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