
Thursday, August 30, 2012

One Hit Wonder Spectacular Set for March of 2013

A few weeks ago, we hinted that a new music special was coming, a salute to the great "One-Hit Wonders" of the Rock Era.  Several people have done them because they're cool.  When you reflect on all the great songs that were the only significant hit for their respective artists, it makes for a great chart.

But, as you know by know, Inside the Rock Era doesn't merely do a list--we make it an event.  Not only do see a simple listing of songs, but you get to know the artists and the songs and the story behind them.  And you get to hear the music!  After all, that's what's important.  Any child of six can make a list.  We go considerably deeper than that.

We listened to, looked at, and analyzed all of the One-Hit Wonders of the Rock Era, and found 500 that are worthy of attention.  The Top 500 One-Hit Wonders of the Rock Era* begins in March of next year on Inside the Rock Era.  Don't miss it!

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