
Friday, February 22, 2013

New Featured Unknown/Underrated Song of the Rock Era: "Rolene" by Moon Martin

Sometimes, it's a mystery why some songs don't attract the attention of others.  This song by Moon Martin made him a One-Hit Wonder, only because radio ignored this song.  Martin wrote "Bad Case of Loving You" for Robert Palmer, but only reached #30 with "Rolene".

by Moon Martin

Lyrics by Moon Martin

Come on, operator
Gimme Rolene on my line
She know what I need
To ease a cravin in my spine

A cheerleaders smile
Tijuana style
Your daddy ay be judge
Sure know how to nudge
All right, Rolene
Well, I`ve been living
So white and clean
That uh, Jack
It`s made me mean
Well, I need Rolene`s
Smooth, round thigh
Like a rush
 to get me high
I give it my best shot
Honey, all I got
My name may not be Hud
Show you I`m no dud
All right, Rolene
You know my baby`s love
Just like a sweet velvet glove
Honey, crack that whip You make me bite my lip
All right, Rolene
I said R-o-l-e-n-e, Rolene

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