
Monday, March 4, 2013

Design Change

We've had a dilemma that we have been confronting for a while now; it has to do with two opposing realities.  First, we believe that featuring links to YouTube videos greatly enhances the value and your enjoyment of Inside the Rock Era.  After all, this is a music site, which celebrates the songs and artists that have so enriched our lifes, and we believe you should be able to listen to the music that we talk about and feature on our site. 

At the same time, unfortunately, technology hasn't caught up to our idea, and they haven't yet made computers capable of adequately streaming the quantity of videos that we feature.  We believe that eventually the processing speeds of computers and capabilities of video cards will catch up to us, but for now, these two opposing forces have led us to make the temporary decision of only featuring one post per page. 

This will have the negative effect of clicking on "Older Posts" at the bottom of each page more often.  But we believe it will be more than worth it in greatly reducing the amount of time it takes to load the main page and in your experience of listening to the music we feature and talk about in the Calendar each day and in the music specials we research and produce.

Please let us know how this works for you and if it indeed improves your load time.  Different people have different computers and hopefully, this will be a "win-win" for everyone.  Thanks for your understanding as we continue to find ways to make this site the best it can be, and thanks for using the site.

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