
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Upcoming Music Specials on Inside The Rock Era

We're working hard on a special featuring The Top 100 Female Artists of the Rock Era*.  This feature ranks all female solo artists or all-female groups based on their success as artists.  It should be noted that it doesn't rank females for their total output, but only for the success they had under each distinct artist name (i.e., only Stevie Nicks' work as a solo performer is judged, Cher's work with Sonny is separate, etc. since Fleetwood Mac & Sonny & Cher are different entities and included multiple contributions from other people).  An appropriate name for the latter music special would be something like The Top Women in Rock, or some such title.  We will present The Top 100 Female Artists of the Rock Era* this fall.

The ever-popular Top Christmas Songs of All-Time* will be repeated in December as we've done each year.  That will be followed next February by The Top Love Songs of the Rock Era* to celebrate Valentine's Day.

We're also planning some further specials in 2014 but we don't want to tip our hand too early so stay tuned for further announcements, and thank-you for checking out Inside The Rock Era! 

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