
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Top Track: "Jingo" by Santana

We love to feature this category on Inside The Rock Era.  We are adamant about defining what an overall "hit" is, as explained in the previous post.  The big hits are the "cream of the crop", and they always will be.

We also know that there are a countless number of musical tastes, and that "hits" aren't the only good music--far from it.  We created the Top Tracks* category with this in mind:  to feature the great album tracks that you may or may not be aware of, that are worthy of purchasing if you so desire for your listening pleasure.  This group has a lot of those--Top Tracks* that weren't big hits, but still songs that many people like.  Santana recorded "Jingo" on their first album in 1969:

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