
Monday, January 5, 2015

Just ahead of legendary Led Zeppelin...

We know you're loving the great Led Zeppelin songs from the 70's.  Keep in mind that they got their start in the 60's.  Would that 60's success be enough to have Led Zeppelin in The Top 10 Artists of the Rock Era*?  I know it's teasing to say--wait for The Top 100 Artists of the Rock Era* later in the year, but that music special is worth waiting for!

Just ahead of Led Zep is a sensational talent at #3.  He was a huge star in the 60's, but he continued to get better and hone his tremendous talent in the 70's.  Then at the top are two artists who blew everyone away in the 70's; as great as the artists in this range are, the top two were miles ahead of everyone else--it isn't close.

Join us tomorrow on Inside The Rock Era for #3!

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