
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Prelude to The Top 500 Songs of the Rock Era*: P.M. Dawn with "I'd Die Without You"

The Top 500 Songs of the Rock Era* is unique in that it doesn't include songs that we think should be in The Top 500*, or songs that we wish were in there.  It is based exclusively on your choices--the music that the public collectively listens to on the radio stations, that they buy at music stores, and the music that wins awards from the public and from an artist's peers.  Not everyone will agree with the list, or the order, but if they did, we would all be robots.  They might not be your favorite 500 songs, but they are The Top 500 Songs of the Rock Era*.

Prior to the unveiling of the updated version of our signature music special, we are featuring some of the great songs just outside the list.  Here is P.M. Dawn from 1992...

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