
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

This Week's Top 10 Countries on Inside The Rock Era

Each week, countries fight for position within the 10-most represented countries to view Inside The Rock Era.  The rankings change, but it is our goal to have everyone actively seek out new information on the site and to make it a "Favorite".

We strive to put out as much content per week as time allows, but remember there is now four years' worth of information, charts, lists and specials to immerse yourself in.  The content then, of course, will continue to grow in the months and years to come.

Here are the Top 10 countries this week:

1.    United States
2.    Japan (the strongest rank ever for Japan)
3.    Germany
4.    Russia
5.    United Kingdom
6.    France
7.    Canada
8.    Australia
9.    Mexico
10.  Netherlands

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